My ancestors’ stories are deeply ingrained in me - in the fading memories I hold behind my eyes, in the languages that live in my heart but not on my tongue, in the forgotten trauma that still runs through my veins.


About Renée Almatierra

Healer, Singer, Dancer, Drummer,
Photographer, Writer, Visual Artist

Soy una CurArtista bicultural: tocando tambores, bailando y cantando para abrir una conexión vibratoria con mis ancestros, pintando con luz y sobre lienzo para invocar las visiones en mis sueños. Usando mi voz, manos, pies y corazón, mis ofrendas invitan a la creación de sanación y transformación comunitaria a través de CurArte.

I am a bicultural CurArtista- drumming, dancing, and singing to open a vibrational connection to my ancestors, painting with light and on canvas to call forth the visions in my dreams. Using my voice, hands, feet, and heart, my offerings invite the creation of communal healing and transformation through CurArte.